[mml retrieve content]

Documentation: Retrieve Content

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mml retrieve content ?-flags? ?-switches? content_id


-inline (Optional)

If present, the -inline flag causes the data to be returned.


-debug filename (Optional)

If specified, the XML generated and sent to the MOL system, as well as the XML reply from the MOL system, will be appended to filename.

-filename filename (Optional)

The retrieved contents will be written to the specified filename.

-channel channel (Optional)

The retrieved contents will be written to the specified channel.

Positional Parameters


This is an opaque identifier that should have been previously obtained from the MOL processor, for example, via mailing_list details.

Return Value

If the -inline flag is not specified, nothing is returned. The -inline flag may be combined with either the -filename or -channel switches (which are mutually exclusive with each other).

An error will be returned if the request was not succesful. Possible causes under which an error could be raised include: transient network outages, MOL processor internal errors, specifying a content_id value that does not exist, etc.